What a day! After spending a couple of days at Salon International—where there was this underlying buzz about the need to refocus on foundational craftsmanship—Monday’s cutting course at the legendary Brooks & Brooks salon, led by none other than Jamie Brooks and the insanely talented Roman Sys, couldn’t have felt more on point.

As a brand, Kasho has over the past few years taken on a slightly different approach. Yes, of course we want to sell scissors and cutting tools, and we firmly believe—based on the brand’s rich history—that they’re the best scissors in the world. But our focus runs deeper than just selling cutting tools. We aim to elevate the overall level of craftsmanship, and in the process align ourselves with like-minded individuals who share that same vision. People like Sally and Jamie Brooks, people like Roman Sys. People who cut through (no pun intended) the noise and let their talent and craft do the talking.

In recent years, newcomers to the industry often have a different frame of reference for what “great” looks like. A stylist with hundreds of thousands of likes on Instagram or TikTok doesn’t necessarily mean their work lives up to the hype. In marketing, it’s called “the sizzle and the sausage.” Right now, there’s way too much focus on the sizzle—the razzle-dazzle, the hype. Monday’s training was the polar opposite; it focused on the sausage—the nuts and bolts, the foundation upon which real craftsmanship is built. It was an intimate, hands-on session where the spotlight was firmly on technical skill and mindset. Both Jamie and Roman have such a disarming presence, instantly creating an environment where all guards are down, allowing for pure, uninterrupted learning.

The course, co-hosted by Kasho, was titled “Precision & Edge: Mastering the Craft of Precision Cutting,” but wow, it was so much more than that! The golden nuggets of wisdom shared throughout the day went far beyond mastering cutting techniques. It was about using every tool in the toolbox—scissors, razors, texturizers—you name it. The message that kept hitting home was: “never stop learning,” always push yourself, and, of course, the Brooks & Brooks mantra: There is Beauty in Simplicity. It was so refreshing to hear that feeling nervous when you’re levelling up is exactly how you should feel—just don’t let it stop you. Embrace it! 

These life lessons, shared by Jamie and Roman, were woven into the technical training all day, making every tip and trick stick even more. You could see the participants soaking it all in, eager to embrace both the craft and the mindset.

So, what’s the big takeaway from a training day like this? It’s more than just mastering tools like scissors, razors, or texturizers—it’s about honing your craft and pushing your skills to new heights. The real beauty lies in the simplicity of good technique, and the nerves you feel when stepping up? They’re a sign you’re on the right path. Whether learning from masters like Jamie and Roman or using the finest tools like Kasho, the focus remains on elevating the craft. Here’s to that never-ending journey—and to keeping the focus on what truly matters.


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